PrimusGFS v3 has been successfully benchmarked by the Global Food Safety Initiatiive (GFSI).
Azzule Press Release
New and returning PrimusGFS Auditee Registration
Auditor Performance Survey
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Calendar of Events

Please note that the training center can have more scheduled training events than the showed on the calendar, each color is for a diferent training center as follow:

CCOF Certification Services
CEMA International Compliance Services, SA DE CV
Coactive Food Group
General Certifications House S de RL de CV
Global Standards S.C
Green Certificaciones e Inspecciones S.C.
NSF International Training and Education
Primus Auditing Operations
Rivas Consulting Group
SCS Global Services
Servicios Integrales para una Agricultura Rentable A.C.
Serka Solutions
Verificación y Certificación PAMFA A.C.
WQS Academy

Please also consider, some training events may not be shown in the calendar below, please contact your chosen Training Center for more information by clicking Here