PrimusGFS v3
PrimusGFS Version 3.2 (November 2021) has been successfully benchmarked by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), achieving recognition against the GFSI Guidance Document 2020.1 Edition.
PrimusGFS V3.2 will become mandatory March 1st, 2021 and all audits conducted after this date must use the new version.






Flexible Module System
Division into modules allows the Auditee to determine the scope of their audit and save time and money when portions of an audit checklist do not apply to their operations. Likewise, it allows for flexibility to cover many types of operations so that training can center around a single Certification Program versus requiring a food safety team to have to stay up to date on many different Certification Program and their various versions.
If you have questions about which modules apply to your operations or your suppliers’ operations please contact a PrimusGFS approved Certification Body and they will be able to walk you through the process.
Module 1: Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
The PrimusGFS Food Safety Management System is a required module that aims to connect all operations within your organization. This module displays your focused efforts in supplier control, document control, traceability, food safety management commitments, etc.
Applicable to all operations
Module 2: Farm
Previously known as “Ranch”, this module recognizes the good agricultural practices (GAPs) on your farm. This includes employee practices, efforts to reduce adjacent land risks, water quality, agricultural inputs, etc.
Applicable for farm operations
Module 3: Indoor Agriculture
Previously known as greenhouse, this module was designed and updated to recognize different growing practices used globally (i.e. plastic greenhouses, glass facilities, vertical growing, hydroponics, etc.).
Applicable for indoor agriculture operations
Module 4: Harvest Crew
Due to unique global practices and to different stakeholder requirements and/or regulations regarding the harvesting of produce, this module is designed to cover safe harvesting and handling practices for harvest crews.
Applicable for harvest crew operations
Module 5: Facility
This module is designed to recognize the specific good manufacturing practices (GMPs) for either packinghouse, processor, cooling/cold storage, and storage & distribution facilities. This module complies with current global food safety practices and helps your company understand the requirements to be in compliance with international laws and regulations.
Applicable for all facility operations
Module 6: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
This module is required for all facility operations. Some sections of Module 6 may not be applicable. Applicability should be determined based on the outcome of the documented hazard analysis of all steps for each process. This HACCP Module is based on the seven Codex Alimentarius HACCP principles and the 12 HACCP implementation steps. In all cases, the HACCP process and system must be in conformance with all existing legal requirements.
Applicable for all facility operations
Module 7: Preventive Control (PC)
Preventive Controls is an optional module designed to recognize your efforts to meet the rule established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) for Preventive Controls for Human Food and is included to serve as a guide for compliance with the rule.
Optional to all facility operations
Module 8: Grains and Pulses
Assessment of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) applicable and specifically designed for operations dedicated to the production of grains and pulses and the evaluation of their growing, handling, and storage practices. Taking into account security and food safety aspects such as current and previous land use, water use, agronomic inputs, pesticide application, management practices, harvesting, storage, etc.
Applicable for farm operations
Module 9: IPM Practices
IPM Practices is designed to verify the implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices and communicate efforts to any interested customers. The questions in Module 9 are independent from the food safety criteria within PrimusGFS and does not influence the overall audit score; instead, it serves to enhance the comprehensiveness of the audit.
Optional to farm and indoor agriculture operations
PrimusGFS Certification Bodies
The following Certification Bodies have been approved or provisionally approved by PrimusGFS to perform the audit or are pending approval. Each CB endures rigorous training and is monitored by the PrimusGFS team consistently to ensure quality. Quality is measured using the PGFS Auditor Integrity program which CBs may use, as well as the PrimusGFS team to calculate performance based on unique metrics.
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Requirements
PrimusGFS Version 3.2 (including previous versions) meets the most current industry practices, customer, and stakeholder compliance requirements! Azzule took the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) rules into consideration during the development of v3.2 and previous versions.
We welcome any questions that you may have regarding PrimusGFS and FSMA please contact our Certification Program Compliance team at [email protected].