Sustainable Success: PrimusGFS Launches Module 9 for Integrated Pest Management (IPM)


PrimusGFS is excited to announce an additional module to the dynamic PrimusGFS certification program – Module 9 – IPM Practices.


This optional IPM module aims to verify commitments to pollinator health through the implementation of an IPM program. The score earned on Module 9 – IPM Practices is entirely separate from the food safety audit score, meaning it only enhances the overall audit without impacting your food safety certification. Module 9 – IPM Practices provides clients with the capability to take the first steps towards more sustainable practices while also aligning to consumer trends and meeting the compliance requirements of retailers like that of Walmart’s Pollinator Policy.


At Azzule, we are dedicated to supporting our clients in meeting compliance expectations, expanding their businesses, and accessing new markets seamlessly. We understand the challenges and opportunities in today’s agricultural landscape, and our mission is to empower operations to embark on their sustainable journey. With PrimusGFS + IPM Module 9, clients can leverage an audit certification program they trust to seamlessly showcase their commitment to IPM practices within their existing food safety audit. Azzule and PrimusGFS are committed to meeting the evolving needs of our clients with dynamic and innovative solutions.


For more information about PrimusGFS and Module 9 – IPM Practices refer to our FAQ here or reach out to our team at [email protected]. Ask your approved PrimusGFS auditing company to add Module 9 to your next PrimusGFS audit!


Thank you,


Nadia Pasco, CEO of Azzule Systems


Module 9 – IPM Practices Reference Documents

Additional Information

Questions and Expectations


Interpretation Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions