PrimusGFS Version 4 Preview is Coming Soon!
It’s that time again! With the Global Food Safety Initiative’s (GFSI) publication of their new 2024 Benchmarking Requirements, Azzule will soon release a preview of what’s to come for PrimusGFS v4.0. We gathered valuable insight from you all, as food safety
Azzule Releases Fresh Papaya Addendum
[Santa Maria, November 2024] - Azzule is excited to announce a newly released addendum created in collaboration with ProExport Papaya to address the needs and challenges of the papaya industry exporting to the United States. The Fresh Papaya Addendum aims to
Harnessing IPM for Sustainable Growth with PrimusGFS Module 9
Strategic Advantages of Embracing Market Change The produce industry is experiencing a transformative shift, driven by increasing consumer and retailer demands for comprehensive accountability beyond food safety. In response to these evolving expectations, PrimusGFS1 has promptly adapted. Recognizing that our auditees
Sustainable Success: PrimusGFS Launches Module 9 for Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
PrimusGFS is excited to announce an additional module to the dynamic PrimusGFS certification program – Module 9 - IPM Practices. This optional IPM module aims to verify commitments to pollinator health through the implementation of an IPM program. The score earned
Introducing the New PrimusGFS Module 8 Grains and Pulses Standard: Available Now!
Introducing the New PrimusGFS Module 8 Grains and Pulses Standard: Available Now! [Santa Maria, November 2023] – Azzule, PrimusGFS Certification Program Owner and supply chain software company, is delighted to announce the launch of the highly anticipated PrimusGFS Grains and Pulses
Access the FSMA Specific Summary Sub-Report Today!
Featuring the FSMA Summary Sub-Report We're excited to share that the FSMA Specific Summary Sub-Report is now conveniently accessible on every PrimusGFS audit report with a single click of a button! This powerful tool enables you to effortlessly showcase your compliance with
CEMA Certificadora Mexicana Agropecuaria has achieved Provisional Approval status and is now offering PrimusGFS certification and training services
CEMA Certificadora Mexicana Agropecuaria, is a Mexican Certification Body and Training Center, their work team has more than 20 years of experience in different sectors and has the competence to audit and offer training for Management Systems under the approach
Servicios Integrales para una Agricultura Rentable has achieved Provisional Approval status and is now offering PrimusGFS certification services
Servicios Integrales para una Agricultura Rentable (SIAR), is a Mexican Inspection Unit and Certification Body that contributes to ensure, through evaluations of conformity of products and processes, that all parties involved in the agri-food health, quality, and food safety chain
Control Union Perú SAC has achieved Provisional Approval status and is now offering PrimusGFS certification services
Control Union Peru SAC is part of the Dutch group Peterson Control Union with more than 100 years of experience in the area of inspections and logistics; offers a wide variety of certification programs related to agriculture, sustainability, food safety,
Sociedad Mexicana de Normalización y Certificación has achieved Provisional Approval status and is now offering PrimusGFS certification services
Sociedad Mexicana de Normalización y Certificación, S. C. (NORMEX), is a worldwide-recognized Certification Body. NORMEX has more than 20 years of experience in different sectors, including food, agro-industrial, energy, packaging, etc. NORMEX has accreditations issued by the Entidad Mexicana de